Do You Believe In Magic?
Sometimes it’s hard living in a world with people who don’t believe in Magic. If one didn’t know better, you could end up feeling pretty silly.
I’ve always lived with Magic. In fact, it’s been on the top of my grocery list for as long as I can remember; Food, Water and Magic, but for people that need to touch or see something to believe that it is “real”, Magic can seem like a fantastic luxury and a waste of time. It’s difficult to explain what Magic is because of it’s innate qualities. My experience has been that Magic is malleable and can be whatever you need it to be at the time you need it. It fits into small places, sits by your side with no judgement and in general waits to be integrated into your life. I’ve found that it can be your best friend with a wicked sense of humor. Magic knows your wants and needs even before you do and can help you in changing your perception of a difficult situation. I’ve called on Magic to come and weave it’s way into my life when times have been challenging. I’ve asked it to go first when walking down dark hallways just to check for any hidden dangers and probe the darkness on my behalf. Magic taps me lightly on my shoulders if I feel pressured and reminds me to try and step back and look at situations with different eyes.
At times people seem perplexed at my seemingly lax attitude when dealing with problems. They seem to understand it better if problems are “attacked” rather than letting wonder and inspiration balance situations. The only time that Magic eludes me is when I have to explain it’s qualities to others who feel that my belief is irrational. Magic likes to play and does not like to be brought up in front of others to be poked or analyzed in order to justify it’s existence. It’s then that Magic leaves me to fend for myself. How do you measure the unmeasurable? So I grope for the words to describe a quality that can only be understood by the experience rather than by definition. It’s hard to explain Magic to someone who has not found theirs or has mistaken it for lucky coincidences. This is how it feels; it’s as if I am standing out in a field, my arms are outstretched on a beautiful day ... the energy, the light, the power of life is radiating on me and I am reflecting it back. I look to my left and see a bit of a rocky hill side with familiar faces standing and watching me in kind of a pained way as if to say “Time to come inside, Deb. Have some hot tea and all will be better in the morning.” It’s all very touching and funny at the same time. Then I look to my right on the other hill side, a smooth patch of ground with grass and flowers growing on it. On that part of the hill there’s a party going on. There are angels dressed up as people who know that we are all in disguise and that’s part of the joke. They are experiencing Magic every day of their lives, no explanations needed. These are the people with whom I can relate. We are the New Standard of Humanity. I think that the Lovin’ Spoonful were on to something in the ’60’s when they sang the song “Do You Believe in Magic”. The lyrics are as follows; “I’ll tell you about the magic and it’ll free your soul but it’s like trying to tell a stranger ‘bout rock and roll." 'nough said.
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